Which Air Purifier Is Best For Asthma Symptoms?

Air pollutants like smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde, pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander are common asthma triggers. HEPA and carbon filtration filter out these asthma triggers in your indoor air helping you to breathe easier.

TrueCarbon™ 200C Air Purifier

TrueCarbon™ Series

From $199.84
<p>Small to Medium rooms</p>

Small to Medium rooms

<p>Heavy odors, gases, VOCs</p>

Heavy odors, gases, VOCs



AirMend™ Medium Room HEPA Air Purifier

AirMend™ HEPA Series

From $169.84
<p>Small to Medium rooms</p>

Small to Medium rooms

<p>Particles, dust, pollen, etc.</p>

Particles, dust, pollen, etc.



Mod+ Air Purifier

Mod Series

From $249.99
<p>Large rooms</p>

Large rooms

<p>Particles, dust, pollen, light odors</p>

Particles, dust, pollen, light odors

<p>HEPA + Carbon</p>

HEPA + Carbon

HEPA filtration helps with dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander.

An air purifier with a HEPA filter is going to provide necessary filtration for fine particles like pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander that can aggravate asthma and similar respiratory issues. 

Heavy duty carbon filtration helps with gases and smoke.

Air purifiers with carbon filters help mitigate VOCs, smoke, and unwanted odors. Depending on your asthma triggers and specific air quality concerns, an Oransi air purifier with HEPA filters or the heavy duty carbon filters will help mitigate these airborne triggers.